Miss Representation

In Miss Representation, it talked about how women or girls see certain things on social media and that they begin to feel the pressure towards them to meet mens ideals. Also, seeing that there's a certain way women should look like or there's a such thing of a perfect women, girls that don't dress how women should look like, they are seen as different. Because of this, they feel forced to put so much time and effort in themselves to look nice just so they can fit in with anyone else. I feel like I can connect to this because many times in my life, I know how it feels to "look" different because of how I dress. I also can relate to this because I was not happy with how I looked like and I tried so hard to look nice everyday just so I don't get made fun of or I could at least look decent looking. To this day, I sometimes catch myself trying hard to look nice so I can be noticed by others and I feel like I do this because I don't want to feel like people are judging me for who I am. Also, in the documentary it really focussed on girls worries because of the things they were being made fun of or commented on. In middle school, people made fun of me for dressing the way I decided to dress, especially as a girl. All the other girls dressed way girlier than I did. I always dressed like I was ready to play basketball and the majority of my friends were boys and I always played with them. To the girls at my school, it wasn't normal for a girl to dress more "boyish" looking and to have more friends that were boys than girls. This made me worry a lot about how I dress or what I wear to school to this day. I still get commented on how I dress, but it came to a point where I don't really care anymore because I met people that went through similar problems I went through.


  1. I totally relate to this, even though I can convince myself that I am beyond that type of criticism, but I do catch myself trying to look good so that I can impress others. Luckily, I have realized my worth and don't do this anymore and I try to tell people they are beautiful just the way they are.

  2. I can see where you're coming from, and I think part of growing up these days is questioning yourself and what you have to do to make others happy. That is really unfortunate that we have to see younger kids go through this and even go through it ourselves, but I think what should be advertised more is the mindset that we can be happy without letting others interfere with that happiness. As long as we realize our self worth based on what we hold in our heart and minds, we can step away from indulging in outside appearance. I do agree that people are picked on for not looking a certain way and conforming to the 'normal' way of dressing. And I appreciate that you are able to mention your own experience.


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